  • Parents are not expected to complete their ward's home assignments but are to ensure that their wards prepare their lessons and complete their home assignments regularly. Parents are informed that occasional reports from teachers are made in the school diary. They are requested to sign them regularly and to check the diary every day for instructions and suggestions. Parents are required to sign the Report Card and any other similar document relating to their children when requested.
  • Changes in the address or telephone number must be intimated to the school in writing and without delay failing which the school will not be responsible for non-receipt of communications. When communicating with the Principal, parents are requested to mention in their letters, the class, section and student No. of their wards. Parents are not allowed to interview teachers during school hours without the sanction of the Principal.
  • Parents are strictly not allowed to visit any class room during school hours. Complaints relating to various aspects of the school including academics, must be made to the Principal.